Definition of a white paper

Cryptotoast defines a white paper as ‘a collection of factual information about a project’. This white paper is published by the initiator of the project in which he states the general objectives and means of the project.

Thus, each cryptocurrency project is accompanied by its white paper.

livre blanc est publié par l’initiateur du projet dans lequel il expose les objectifs généraux et les moyens du projet.
Le premier et plus célèbre white paper est celui de Satoshi Nakamoto « Bitcoin – A Peer to Peer Electronic Cash System », publié le 18 Août 2008.
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Examples of white paper

The first and most famous white paper ‘Bitcoin – A Peer to Peer Electronic Cash System’, was published by Satoshi Nakamoto on 18 August 2008. It describes the functionality of the Bitcoin blockchain network, which marks the beginning of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies. There is also a white paper on the Ethereum project.